Much of modern industry want to distract or entertain people. You are under so much power and pressure every day that after work you have the feeling that you absolutely need relaxation, chilling out, or switching off. After the high tension of the activity and the overload of the mind in work, the mind no longer knows how to come down and empty itself. But people are looking for entertainment or out of sheer boredom. Other people just want to eat some healthy meals like those presented in food blogsĀ after a tiring day.
Boredom is also a result of the over-tension. Without the next kick, the next cool action, your mind will feel dull and empty in a negative sense.
Those who work too much and too hard live in “overstepping”. The spiritual quality of greed, vanity, and ambition lead to it. Those who live in excess need the entertainment to compensate.
But how about living in the middle?
In addition to alcohol and food, TV and the Internet are the most common drugs used to numb yourself today. To simply not think about your worries and problems, to be free of yourself, to forget yourself, to switch off. How much you long for it again and again.
It is important to be able to distinguish which means really lead to inner peace and which to the gradual desolation of your life and to self-destruction. Most people only notice it late when life is falling into the abyss in some areas. Massive health problems, broken relationships or families, job termination and unemployment lead to fatigue.
The good news: The spiritual path has provided people with very healthy means to switch off for thousands of years. Ways and methods that are just as relevant and work today as they were centuries ago. Two of them are meditation and prayer.
Why is entertainment detrimental to your spiritual development in the long run?
Every film on TV is registered by the subconscious as a real experience. There are new inputs, impressions that overlap the old.
Entertainment would only then no longer be harmful if you have purified and transformed your mind in such a way that no new entanglements arise and the old ones are processed. Then it wouldn’t matter what you spend your time with.